XLDent Computer and Managed Services
Our XLDent certified site preparation and implementation teams can help you plan your computer network and integrate your digital technology. State-of-the-art computer and digital equipment is tested, qualified, and integrated in XLDent's Computer Lab regularly. With XLDent you can be confident that you are utilizing the best resource available for integrating your dental technologies.
Comprehensive Remote Monitoring and Management
XLDent has teamed up with Ninja RMM to provide a remote monitoring and management service. Our highly experienced professionals will proactively manage your clinic's network of computers. Network disruptions and downtime translates to loss of revenue and productivity. We aim to reduce disruptions caused by technology to keep your dental practice running smoothly.
Key Benefits:
- Proactive Monitoring - Automated Windows OS patches and updates as well as hard drive health management
- Maintain vital business continuity and stabilize IT costs
- Managed Antivirus - Our team will see active threats and address the situation seamlessly
- Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) - Secure Agent to protect against outside intrusion
- Nationwide Reach - No matter where your dental practice, you will have a dedicated hardware team remotely overseeing your networking infrastructure
- And More!
Hardware & Network Configuration Requirements
Please review the Minimum Recommended Hardware Requirements and Hardware-Network Configuration Standard for hardware/network requirements. We will be happy to consult with you and your team for the smoothest transition possible.
XLDent Certified NSPs. Click on logo to visit their website.
Work with your hardware provider or ours...it's your choice! We're ready to help!
Our site preparation and implementation teams can help you plan your computer network and integrate your high technology. With a XLDent Certified Network Service Provider you can be confident that you are utilizing the best resource available for designing, installing and maintaining your systems.

Offsite Backup Storage
XLBackup is a managed, fully automated, online, off-site, data protection service that can help you keep a potentially serious business risk under control. It can enable your organization to quickly restore lost files, images and critical data to get your office back up and running in a disaster recovery situation. XLBackup is compatible with all Dental Practice Management and Image Management solutions. It is a necessary component of your electronic dental records management.
LEARN MORE“I just think it’s awesome that you included the hyperlink to the chart from the progress note report…”
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