Customized Solutions for Prosthodontic Practices

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XLDent for Prosthodontic Practices

The XLDent Prosthodontic Suite includes unique inking technology, customizable forms and interview style medical history updates to allow you to cater to your patient base while at the same time afford you the luxury of going paperless. XLDent for Prosthodontic practices allows you to operate in a completely paperless, digital environment all while keeping patent care and comfort at the center.

All-Inclusive Solutions for Prosthodontic Practices

Features & Benefits

  • Intuitive design and organization
  • Easily attain health history and medication updates
  • Referral tracking and customizable communications
  • Interactive sorting, filtering, and grouping of practice data
  • Easily connect and manage multiple locations
  • Unique solutions to seamlessly join multiple specialties
  • Cloud and server-based options to suit your needs
Ready to learn more? contact us today

XLDent's "All-inclusive" suite features

Our software suite creates a worry-free mobile and tablet friendly workflow, providing your team the tools they need to make your practice most profitable. Learn about our products and eSolutions below.

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