Minnesota ranked #1 in Surescripts 7th annual Safe-RX Awards

Posted August 20, 2012 by Dawn

Last month, the state of Minnesota was ranked #1 in the Nation for achieving the highest rate of ePrescribing use during 2011 by Surescripts.  Harry Totonis, president and CEO of Surescripts stated that “this is helping health care providers improve work flows and patient care, and sets the stage for expanding the use of electronic data for additional improvements in health care quality and delivery.”  View the entire press release here

XLDent™ introduced its ePrescribing feature and seamless integration with Dosespot™ and Lexicomp™ over a year ago and those clients using the service agree with Mr. Totonis.  Dr. Westfall, an XLDent client recently featured in the August 2012 issue of DPR states that she can “easily look up prescription history, quickly locate a preferred pharmacy and instantly receive verification that the prescription has been sent.  Patients receive prompt service and are usually able to pick up medications on the way home from the office.”  Also cited by clients using this service are the drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checking and the instantaneous clinical decision support offered by the Lexicomp integration.

Utilization of these types of technologies is all about the workflow. Change your workflow to benefit from instantaneous, electronic services and doctors and patients WILL BENEFIT.   It’s not that hard, but many people still get stuck in a paper-centric thought pattern when they try to transition to paperless solutions and ultimately fail in the attempt.  Adoption of ePrescribing in Minnesota is high due to state law, but I believe that once more clinicians start to experience the true benefits of comprehensive digital workflow this adoption rate will increase nationwide.  Why wouldn’t it?  It’s real time information that can have a direct impact on the outcome of treatment.

To learn more about the dental practice management software offered by XLDent, including our dental electronic health care records software, visit our site or contact us at 1.800.328.2925.

Posted in: Dental Practice Management Software, Dental Web-based Solutions, XLDent Patient Experience,
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