
What XLDent can tell you about your practice

Dec 05, 2018

The Practice Demographics Report has many great categories to see your practice makeup. From the Reports - Administrative Menu, select Practice Demographics.

The report can be run to the screen or directly to the printer. Categories include:

  • Patient Status
  • Patient Age
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Top 10 Zip Codes
  • Top 15 Classifications
  • Insured vs. Uninsured
  • Top 10 Insurance Carriers
  • eCommunication statistics


This report can be used in a number of ways.

  • Do the age and marital status show that you need to focus marketing efforts on attracting younger patients and families to your practice?
  • Look at zip codes around you. Are you missing out on a growing area of your community? Consider targeted marketing efforts in the New Year.
  • Does your Patient Status seem right? If it hasn't been done in 2018, it's probably time to update the status of inactive patients in XLDent.

Tip: Store a digital copy of this report to refer to it at a later time. Select Print - To Printer. Select the Print to File option and the default will be a PDF and the Report Archive path on the Server.

To retrieve archived reports, use the Explore Report Archive from the Reports Toolbar.

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