Practice Operations

Built-in Business Solutions

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Electronic Statement Processing

Sending your statement file to XLDent takes only minutes in comparison to the hours it takes to print, stuff, stamp and mail statements from your office. This dental web-based solution offers convenience, improves productivity, and can save you money!

Paperless Statement Processing


Key Benefits:

  • Review and edit patient statements before sending them to XLDent for processing. You can add personalized notes and continue to have full control over which patients will receive a statement from your dental practice management system.
  • 24/7 Transmission & Next Business Day Service - XLDent guarantees your statements will be mailed next business day if your file is received by 3:00pm CST.
  • First Class Postage, Laser Printed Statements and Mailing and Return Envelopes
  • Validation Checks - XLDent staff will notify you of any errors in transmission and goes the extra mile to review your file for current statement data. We will also monitor your statement cycles and remind you when you forget to process your statements.
  • Less Staff Time - Less time running statements means more time for other tasks.
  • No Statement Inventory - Electronically sending your statements also means there is no need to keep statement supplies on hand and reduces wear and tear on your printer.
Ready to learn more? contact us today

XLDent's "All-inclusive" suite features

Our software suite creates a worry-free mobile and tablet friendly workflow, providing your team the tools they need to make your practice most profitable. Learn about our products and eSolutions below.

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