Practice Operations

Built-in Business Solutions

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Practice Booster

Practice Booster offers a comprehensive array of products and services developed by Dr. Charles Blair, the industry’s leading authority on insurance coding strategies, fee analysis and overhead control, to ensure that every aspect of your practice is optimized to achieve maximum profitability and provide the best patient care. The Insurance Solutions Newsletter and Coding with Confidence Manual all included in one great product!

Stop Coding Errors & Safeguard Your Practice


Don't put the financial health of your practice and your dental license in jeopardy due to insurance coding errors.

Practice Booster's comprehensive online CDT Code Advisor and Insurance Solutions Newsletter will help you improve profitability and minimize risk by eliminating errors while maximizing legitimate reimbursements.

Ready to learn more? contact us today

XLDent's "All-inclusive" suite features

Our software suite creates a worry-free mobile and tablet friendly workflow, providing your team the tools they need to make your practice most profitable. Learn about our products and eSolutions below.

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