Successful Implementation

New Practice: How to Get Started

Here’s to YOU!

Starting a new business is a huge undertaking, and probably one of the biggest decisions of your professional life. We applaud you, congratulate you and thank you for your desire to be your own boss and open the doors to a brand new business in your community. There will be many more decisions that need to be made in the near future and we’d like you to know that in choosing XLDent, you will be choosing a business partner that is committed to your success. We understand that your needs and wants as a startup practice will be different as you grow and develop into a mature business. We will listen to you, consult with you, and help you in establishment of the core business systems that will be essential to the success of your future practice.

As you embark on this journey, consider that there is value in the depth and breadth of the database that you are about to build. The content, integrity and continuity of your electronic dental records will play a key role in your ability to grow efficiently and profitably, as well as maintain valuable patient relationships and patient engagement mechanisms. XLDent’s All-Inclusive Suite of products and services includes all the tools you will need to make this journey. XLDent is your long-term solution to a very important business need. That is…equipping your dental office with a customizable, scalable, and powerful Practice and Clinical Management software system.

Expert Guidance To Get You Started

When you choose XLDent as a new startup dental practice, you will receive our special package for new business owners. In addition to our tried and true methods for getting started with the software, the time with your Getting Started Coach will focus on planning, building and launching your top priorities – and leave you with a strategic plan to accomplish what’s next.

What does the package include?

We’ll begin with an introduction to your Getting Started Coach and our How-To-Guide. The Guide will help you personalize the XLDent software so that you can manage your new business successfully, and enhance patient experiences.

Our phased Plan…Build…Implement…Review…Grow… approach, will help you build a foundation for successful database establishment and initiate core business systems, taking you step by step through creation of important policies and patient care systems.

Additionally, you’ll have access to:

  • Self-guided training resources and toolkits
  • On-demand webinars
  • Live technical support
New Startup Practice
Ready to learn more? Contact Us Today

XLDent's "All-inclusive" suite features

Our software suite creates a worry-free mobile and tablet friendly workflow, providing your team the tools they need to make your practice most profitable. Learn about our products and eSolutions below.

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